In August and September 2014, the Baltimore Times ran a three-part series on the Turning Point Clinic. The first installment profiled how the clinic is “leading the people of East Baltimore out of the bondage of drug addiction.” Having recently...
https://news.wypr.org/post/turning-away-johns-hopkins In June 2014, Rev. Williams – frustrated by Johns Hopkins Medicine’s efforts to keep him from expanding his clinic to include mental health, urgent and primary care services — lead...
BALTIMORE —An executive at east Baltimore’s Turning Point Clinic is missing after a dive off the coast of Indonesia last week, and his co-workers are planning a memorial service in his honor. Thapana Tee Thiracharoenpanya Turning...
https://www.jhunewsletter.com/2012/10/25/clinic-protests-big-john-over-medicaid-payments-97563/ In October 2012, the Turning Point Clinic lead a protest outside the Hopkins Hospital over $100,000 owed to the clinic by a Hopkins affiliate for...
https://articles.baltimoresun.com/2012-10-18/health/bs-hs-hopkins-protest-20121018_1_medicaid-patients-medicaid-program-medicaid-funds The Baltimore Sun reported a protest led by Turning Point Clinic outside Johns Hopkins Hospital. The people...
Northeast Baltimore program says it wants to attract users to treatment and reduce crime September 13, 2011|By Meredith Cohn, The Baltimore Sun A Northeast Baltimore clinic that once pitched on-demand methadone to desperate addicts during...
https://articles.baltimoresun.com/2011-09-13/health/bs-hs-turning-point-20110913_1_methadone-clinic-addicts-kathleen-rebbert-franklin Turning Point Clinic proposed paying addicts to come in for treatment, the Baltimore Sun reported. “We are...
https://articles.baltimoresun.com/2011-07-11/news/bs-ed-methadone-20110711_1_methadone-treatment-heroin-addicts-treatment-slots In July 2011, the Baltimore Sun published an op-ed written by Rev. Williams where he explained how the Turning Point...
Baltimore pastor to open on-demand methadone clinic By Meredith Cohn, The Baltimore Sun Crime Public Officials Executive Branch Medicaid Renee Brown Tired of the heroin and crime surrounding his Northeast Baltimore church and...